Next date: Saturday, April 13

Zazenkai or “Day of Zen” is a chance to deepen our practice. We have the opportunity to sit together for a longer period of time than on Wednesday evenings. We maintain contemplative silence during zazenkai until our Way of Council at the end.

Our Program Includes: tea and light snacks, zazen, teisho (talks by Zen teachers), dokusan, chanting, and instruction. Our typical schedule is at the bottom of this page. Please bring a bag lunch, and wear comfortable clothes that are clean and non-distracting. A refrigerator and microwave are available.

Zazenkai is held from 9:00 AM to 3:00 AM at the Silver Spring Zendo.

RSVP and Information

Please RSVP so we have a head count.

If you have questions email

Cushions (zafus), mats (zabutons), and a few seiza benches are available to borrow. We also have chairs. Please indicate what you would like for the first sit in your RSVP so we can prepare the zendo. You can switch to other available seating during a break period if you get uncomfortable.

A requested contribution of $20 (or $25 if donating via PayPal) helps us cover costs we incur for the day. Donations can be made via Pay Pal, check, or cash. More details are on the donations page. If you use PayPal, please make a note that your payment is for zazenkai.

You do not have to attend the full zazenkai if your time is limited. If you arrive late during a zazen period, wait in the sitting area outside the zendo and join us during kinhin (walking meditation). If you need to leave early, please leave during kinhin or a break as well.

Upcoming Dates through summer of 2024:

June 8

No Zazenkai in January/May/July/August

 One Heart Sangha Zazenkai Schedule (Subject to change)

8:30-9:15 Setup Zendo, Store Food, and Settle into Zendo

9:20-10:30 Opening Bells, Incense Offering, Opening Chants

  • Zazen and Kinhin (2 sits)

**One Bell**

10:30-10:45 Tea/Snack Break (in foyer/outside of zendo)

10:45-12:15 Zazen and Kinhin (3 sits)

  • Encouraging Words & Zazen

  • Interviews (tentative) & Zazen

  • Chant Practice & Zazen

**One Bell**

12:15-12:45 Lunch Break (in foyer/outside of zendo)

  • Meal Gatha

  • Return to cushions by 12:45 (or earlier)

12:50-2:15 Zazen and Kinhin (3 sits)

  • Silent Practice

  • Chant Practice & Zazen

  • Silent Practice

**One Bell**

2:15-2:45 Closing Circle - Way of Council

  • Quietly move mats into a circle

  • Closing Circle ends when all who wish to speak have spoken - but no later than 2:45

**One Bell+Gatz**

~2:45 Four Vows Chant

**One Bell**

2:45-3:00 Pack Up Zendo and Depart